Sunday, 15/09/2024

Product & Service

Operational management of fairways and AtoNs

* Operational Management of fairways:


Vessel on fairway

Công nhân sửa chữa, duy tu báo hiệu hàng hải trên luồng

Maintenanceing the buoy

VMS-S manage 22 lanes located in the southern region of Vietnam, with:

– The total length of the fairway: 648 km.

– Total float signals: 515 buoys.

– Total fixed signals: 97 signals.

AtoNs on the fairway is being upgraded, modernized as applications installed automatic identification system (AIS) for the buoys, the tracking system remote control.

* Operational Management of lighthouses:

Công nhân hải đăng làm việc trên tháp đèn

Cleaning the light-house


Ke Ga light-house Binh Thuan

VMS-S manages 52 lighthouses:


- Lights on the mainland, peninsula: 25 lights;

- Lights on the offshore islands: 14 lights;

- Lights on Truong Sa: 13 lights.

 The AtoNs installed on lighthouses are being upgraded and modernized as automatic application installation completely, system monitoring and remote control via satellite Imasat.

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