Thursday, 16/01/2025

Product & Service

AIDS to Navigation

Design, construction and installation of AtoNs is also one of the fields on the Corporation’s strengths, and is a specialized field. AtoNs of VMS-S comply with national regulations NTR 20: 2010 / BGTVT and in accordance with the provisions of the IMO (International Maritime Organization), the recommendation of IALA (The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities).


Vung Tau lighthouse lens

VMS-S has implemented the design, construction, installation, management and operation of nearly 500 buoys types along fairways from Quang Ngai to Kien Giang province. Southern AEC by VMS-S holds more than 50% of charter capital has successfully implemented many projects: manufacturing and construction and installation of information systems, AtoNs, Racon to serve Truong Sa Lon Spratly lighthouses and Sinh Ton; Manufacturing and construction and installation of 43 sets of signal lights MS-L133 Led Lantern to serve projects Cai Mep – Thi Vai …

Báo hiệu hàng hải trên luồng Phú Quý

AtoN on Phu Quy fairway

Also, with the ability and experience of over 30 years in buoys, VMS-S also made a lot of contracts on buoys, moorings with units outside the industry as PVC-PT PVC-IC, PV-Gas, VSP, PMU-85, … ensure the quality and progress, increasingly affirmed its position in the market, is trusted and cooperated by partners.

Other Product & Service

Maritime Engineering

Maritime Pilotage

Hydrographic Survey & Catography


Fairway Maintenance Dredging

Operational management of fairways and AtoNs

Salvage and Rescue

Maritime Construction

Waterbone Traffic Regulation