(Unofficial translation)
Operation of the Drilling Rig Ocean Monarch
in Lan Đỏ – Nam Côn Sơn oilfield
VTU – 13 – 2012
– Sea area: Baria-Vungtau province.
Following notice to mariners No. 119/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN dated 14/12/2011
On behalf of Ministry of Transport, Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety Corporation notifies that:
TNK Vietnam B.V. will updated the Drilling Rig Ocean Monarch operation’s information with detail as follow:
1. Duration and location:
– Duration: 10th March 2012 to 30th April 2012.
– Location: At block 06.1 LD-1P
– Coordinate: Lat (j): 07037’18”9 N
Long (l) 109006’23”0 E
(The Coordinate in WGS-72 BE)
2. Other informations related to the Drilling Rig doesn’t change.
Navigating guidance:
– Every vessels sailing in Baria-Vungtau province should pay attention, apply reasonable measure of navigation to ensure traffic safety and keep away 2NM from the co-ordinate mentioned above.
– For more details please contact with TNK Vietnam B.V.