Ref: Depth of Dinh An – Can Tho fairway,
the shallow area from buoy “0” to buoy “109”
No. 02/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN dated on January 15th, 2014
TVH – 01 – 2015
– Waters area: Tra Vinh Province.
– Fairway: Dinh An – Can Tho.
– Section: Shallow area from buoy “0” to buoy “109”.
VMS-South would to like to inform:
1. In the designed navigational fairway width of 100m limited and guided by AtoNs system, shallow area from buoy “0” to buoy “16” of Dinh An – Can Tho fairway, about 16km in length, depth in meter to Chart Datum, detail as follows:
The shallowest depth to Chart Datum is 2.4m in the downstream of buoy “5A” – 950m.
2. In the designed navigational fairway width of 200m limited and guided by AtoNs system, shallow area from buoy “16” to upper stream of buoy “93”+1,4km of Dinh An – Can Tho fairway, about 103.1km in length, depth in meter to Chart Datum, detail as follows:
The shallowest depth to Chart Datum is 3.7m in the upper stream of buoy “23” + 1,5km.
3. In the designed navigational fairway width of 100m limited and guided by AtoNs system, shallow area from upper stream of buoy “93”+1,4km to buoy “109” of Dinh An – Can Tho fairway, about 11.6km in length, depth in meter to Chart Datum, detail as follows:
The shallowest depth to Chart Datum is 7.9m in the downstream of buoy “99”- 600m.
(According to Map from SH_1412_01 to SH_1412_38, scale 1:2000 done on November, December 2014)
Navigation Guidance
All vessels navigating on Dinh An – Can Tho fairway should follow as AtoNs system for maritime safety.