Wednesday, 11/12/2024

Notice to Mariners

The parameters depth of the waters in front of the Clinker Import Port in Soai Rap River area


The parameters depth of the waters in front of the Clinker Import Port in Soai Rap River area

No. 271/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN dated October 22nd,  2024

HCM – 39 – 2024

Waters: Ho Chi Minh City

Fairway: Soai Rap


VMS-South would like to inform that the parameters depth of the waters in front of the Clinker Import Port in Soai Rap River Area as follows:

Within range of the surveyed waters limited by points with coordinates as follows:

Points VN2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
C1 10o39’06,19’’N 106o44’24,50’’E 10o39’02,53’’N 106o44’30,93’’E
C2 10o39’08,14’’N 106o44’26,61’’E 10o39’04,47’’N 106o44’33,03’’E
C3 10o39’03,38’’N 106o44’31,09’’E 10o38’59,71’’N 106o44’37,51’’E
C4 10o39’01,36’’N 106o44’28,91’’E 10o38’57,69’’N 106o44’35,33’’E

Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is, 2,40 m.

For further information, please contact directly with the Branch of Chinfon Cement Corporation – Hiep Phuoc Grinding Plant (1).

Notes: The sounding data is based on the sounding chart signed BDKN-10/2024 scale 1/1000 supplied by Branch of Chinfon Cement Corporation – Hiep Phuoc Grinding Plant enclosed with the request no. 002/ĐĐN-XMCF received dated October 22nd, 2024./.

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