Wednesday, 11/12/2024

Notice to Mariners

The parameters depth of the fairway waters entry of turning basin, the waters in front of quay 3.000 DWT and wharf no. 2 of quay 30.000 DWT of Vinh Tan International Port


The parameters depth of the fairway waters entry of turning basin, the waters in front of quay 3.000 DWT and wharf no. 2 of quay 30.000 DWT of Vinh Tan International Port

No. 265/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN dated October 18,  2024

BTN – 18 – 2024

Waters: Binh Thuan Province

VMS-South would like to inform that the parameters depth of the fairway waters entry of turning basin, the waters in front of quay 3.000 DWT and wharf no. 2 of quay 30.000 DWT of Vinh Tan International Port as follows:

  1. Within range of the surveyed fairway waters entry of turning basin, quay 000 DWT:

1.1. The fairway entry of turning basin, quay 30.000 DWT limited by points with coordinates as follows:

1.1.1. The area no. 1:

Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
 8’ 11°18’44,3” N 108°48’54,7” E 11o18’40,6” N 108o49’01,1” E
8 11o18’43,4” N 108o48’54,9” E 11o18’39,7” N 108o49’01,3” E
9 11o18’30,0” N 108o48’53,3” E 11o18’26,3” N 108o48’59,7” E
N3 11o18’03,4” N 108°49’06,1” E 11o17’59,7” N 108o49’12,5” E
N2’ 11o17’55,2” N 108°49’11,9” E 11o17’51,5” N 108o49’18,4” E
N4’ 11o17’51,9” N 108°49’05,8” E 11o17’48,2” N 108o49’12,2” E
N4 11o18’01,5” N 108°49’01,9” E 11o17’57,8” N 108o49’08,3” E
10 11o18’28,1” N 108°48’49,1” E 11o18’24,4” N 108o48’55,5” E
11’ 11o18’38,1” N 108°48’44,3” E 11o18’34,4” N 108o48’50,8” E
12’ 11o18’42,5” N 108°48’45,7” E 11o18’38,8” N 108o48’52,2” E

- Appearing depth points are 9,3 m; 9,9 m; 10,1 m; 10,0 m in the position with coordinates as follows:

Depths (m) VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
9,3 11o18’34,6” N 108o48’46,6” E 11o18’30,9” N 108o48’53,0” E
9,9 11o18’17,5” N 108o48’58,2” E 11o18’13,8” N 108o49’04,6” E
10,1 11o18’15,0” N 108o48’57,5” E 11o18’11,3” N 108o49’03,9” E
10,0 11o18’13,6” N 108o48’59,1” E 11o18’09,9” N 108o49’05,5” E

Except depth points mentioned above, depth of this fairway determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 10,2 m.

1.1.2. The area no. 2:

Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
 N2’ 11o17’55,2” N 108°49’11,9” E 11o17’51,5” N 108o49’18,4” E
N2 11o17’53,3” N 108°49’13,3” E 11o17’49,5” N 108o49’19,8” E
N1 11o17’42,6” N 108°49’35,8” E 11o17’38,9” N 108o49’42,2” E
N6 11o17’38,9” N 108°49’25,6” E 11o17’35,2” N 108o49’32,1” E
N5 11o17’47,5” N 108°49’07,5” E 11o17’43,8” N 108o49’14,0” E
N4’ 11o17’51,9” N 108°49’05,8” E 11o17’48,2” N 108o49’12,2” E

Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 12,3 m.

1.2. The waters in front of wharf no. 2, quay 30.000 DWT limited by points with coordinates as follows:

Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
7 11o18’45,9” N 108°48’54,3” E 11o18’42,2” N 108°49’00,8” E
8’ 11o18’44,3” N 108°48’54,7” E 11o18’40,6” N 108°49’01,1” E
12’ 11o18’42,5” N 108°48’45,7” E 11o18’38,8” N 108°48’52,2” E
13’ 11o18’44,3” N 108°48’46,3” E 11o18’40,5” N 108°48’52,7” E

- Appearing depth points are 10,3 m; 10,8 m; 10,9 m in the position with coordinates as follows:

Depth (m) VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
10,3 11o18’44,6” N 108o48’48,4” E 11o18’40,9” N 108o48’54,8” E
10,8 11o18’45,7” N 108o48’53,5” E 11o18’41,9” N 108o48’59,9” E
10,9 11o18’45,9” N 108o48’54,3” E 11o18’42,1” N 108o49’00,7” E

Except depth points, depth point ranges mentioned above, depth of this fairway determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 11,1 m.

  1. Within range of the surveyed fairway entry of turning basin, the waters in front of quay 000 DWT limited by points with coordinates as follows:
    • The fairway entry of quay 000 DWT:
Points VN-2000  WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
QT-4 11°18’37,2’’N 108°48’55,6”E 11°18’33,5”N 108°49’02,0”E
BT-1 11°18’26,3”N 108°48’58,6”E 11°18’22,6”N 108°49’05,0”E
BP-1 11°18’27,0”N 108°49’02,0”E 11°18’23,3”N 108°49’08,4”E
QT-6 11°18’39,5”N 108°48’59,3”E 11°18’35,8”N 108°49’05,8”E

Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 5,0 m.

  • The waters in front of quay 3.000 DWT:
Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
KN2-3 11°18’46,2”N 108°48’55,5”E 11°18’42,5”N 108°49’01,9”E
KN3-3 11°18’46,5”N 108°48’56,9”E 11°18’42,8”N 108°49’03,4”E
KN3-2 11°18’50,5”N 108°48’56,0”E 11°18’46,8”N 108°49’02,5”E
QT-8 11°18’48,8”N 108°49’01,5”E 11°18’45,1”N 108°49’07,9”E
QT-7 11°18’45,3”N 108°49’02,2”E 11°18’41,6”N 108°49’08,7”E
QT-6 11°18’39,5”N 108°48’59,3”E 11°18’35,8”N 108°49’05,8”E
QT-4 11°18’37,2”N 108°48’55,6”E 11°18’33,5”N 108°49’02,0”E

Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 4,0 m.

  • The waters in front of quay 3.000 DWT:
Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (j) Longitude (l) Latitude (j) Longitude (l)
KN3-1 11°18’50,2”N 108°48’54,6”E 11°18’46,5”N 108°49’01,0”E
KN3-2 11°18’50,5”N 108°48’56,0”E 11°18’46,8”N 108°49’02,5”E
KN3-3 11°18’46,5”N 108°48’56,9”E 11°18’42,8”N 108°49’03,4”E
KN2-3 11°18’46,2”N 108°48’55,5”E 11°18’42,5”N 108°49’01,9”E

Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 4,0 m.

For further information, please contact directly with Vinh Tan International Joint Stock Company (1).

Notes: The sounding data is based on the sounding charts signed QTVT_2410_01; QTVT_2410_02, scales 1/2000 and QTVT_2410_03, and scale 1/1000 measured and completed by Southern Maritime Hydro-Survey Enterprise on October 2024./.

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