Wednesday, 11/12/2024

Notice to Mariners

The parameters depth of the waters in front of the import cargoes 15.000DWT Quay and the export cargoes 500 DWT Quay of Thang Long Cement Grinding Station in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, Nha Be district, HCMCHCM – 21 – 2024


The parameters depth of the waters in front of the import cargoes 15.000DWT Quay and the export  cargoes 500 DWT Quay of Thang Long Cement Grinding Station in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, Nha Be district, HCMCHCM – 21 – 2024

137/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN dated June 11, 2024

Waters: HCMC

Fairway: Soai Rap


VMS-South would like to inform that the parameters depth of the waters in front of the import cargoes 15.000DWT Quay the export  cargoes 500 DWT Quay of Thang Long Cement Grinding Station in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park, Nha Be district, HCMC as follows:

  1. Within range of surveyed the waters in front of the import cargoes 500 DWT Quay limited by points with coordinates as follows:
Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (φ) Longitude (λ) Latitude (φ) Longitude (λ)
CN01 10039’13,32”N 106044’19,63”E 10039’09,62”N 106044’26,13”E
CN02 10039’13,41”N 106044’21,61”E 10039’09,71”N 106044’28,11”E
CN03 10039’20,84”N 106044’16,95”E 10039’17,14”N 106044’23,45”E
CN04 10039’19,01”N 106044’16,06”E 10039’15,31”N 106044’22,56”E

- Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 11,13 m.

  1. Within range of surveyed the waters in front of the export cargoes 500 DWT Quay limited by points with coordinates as follows:
Points VN-2000 WGS-84
Latitude (φ) Longitude (λ) Latitude (φ) Longitude (λ)
SL01 10039’12,88”N 106044’17,16”E 10039’09,18”N 106044’23,66”E
SL02 10039’13,23”N 106044’17,71”E 10039’09,53”N 106044’24,21”E
SL03 10039’16,40”N 106044’15,71”E 10039’12,70”N 106044’22,21”E
SL04 10039’16,06”N 106044’15,15”E 10039’12,36”N 106044’21,65”E

- Depth determined by echo sounding 200 kHz frequency to chart datum is 3,11 m.

For further information, please contact directly to The Branch of Thang Long Ciment Joint Stock Company ([1]).

Note: The sounding data is based on the sounding chart sign TL_05.2024_1 scale 1/500 supplied by The Branch of Thang Long Ciment Joint Stock Company enclosed with the request no. 29/CV/TLCC/2024/CN received dated 11 June 2024./.

(1) Tổ chức cung cấp số liệu, thông tin phục vụ việc công bố thông báo hàng hải chịu trách nhiệm trước pháp luật về sự chính xác của số liệu, thông tin mình cung cấp theo khoản 3, điều 47, Nghị định số 58/2017/NĐ-CP.

Other notice

Depth of waters on Vung Ro fairway

Completion of salvage and relocation of sunk SG 8193 barge on Soai rap fairway

The incident of cargo hold fire on Yong Shun was extinguished

(Vietnamese) Về thông số kỹ thuật độ sâu khu nước trước cảng Cát Lái cho tàu 20.000 DWT

(Vietnamese) Độ sâu sau nạo vét duy tu các đoạn cạn luồng Sài Gòn – Vũng Tàu năm 2013