Monday, 13/01/2025

Notice to Mariners

20/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN – Depth of Dinh River fairway

(Unofficial translation)


 Depth of Dinh River fairway

VTU -10 – 2012

– Sea area:   Baria – Vungtau Province

– Channel’s name: Dinh River fairway.

– Channel’s section: From upper section buoy “2” +400m to buoy “8” of Dinh river fairway.

On behalf of Ministry of Transport, Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety Corporation notifies that:


In the designed navigational faiway width of 80m, limited and guided by AtoNs system, depth in meter to chart datum is 6.7m.



Every vessels navigating on Dinh river faiway should follow AtoN system and apply reasonable measure of navigation to ensure traffic safety when navigating through areas mentioned above.

Other notice

(Vietnamese) Về thông số kỹ thuật độ sâu luồng hàng hải cho tàu biển trọng tải lớn vào sông Hậu

M/V ALICA tilted while anchorage on Soai Rap fairway

(Vietnamese) Độ sâu khu nước trước cầu cảng tiếp nhận tàu 150.000DWT thuộc Kho xăng dầu ngoại quan Vân Phong

Depth of of waters at mooring buoy BP4; BP8; BP9; BP10; BP11

The new establishment of specialized buoys buoy “3A” on Quy Nhơn fairway