Monday, 10/02/2025

Notice to Mariners

21/TBHH-TCTBĐATHHMN – Dreging works at Vungtau-Thivai fairway


 Dreging works at Vungtau-Thivai fairway

VTU -11 – 2012

– Sea area:   Ba ria – Vung tau province

– Channel’s name: Vung tau-Thi vai fairway.

– Channel’s section: From lower section buoy “1” +600m to upper section buoy “1” +1100m and from lower section buoy “5” +800m to upper section buoy “5” +1100m  of Vungtau-Thivai fairway.

On behalf of Ministry of Transport, Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety Corporation notifies that:

From 9th March 2012, Sao Mai maritime company LTD will carry out the dredging at the dredging area mention above, details as follows:

1. Dredging equipment involved construction comprising dredger (a thin grabbing), open bottom barges and tug boats.

2. Dumping location: land dredging sludge is transported to the dump at the offshore Vung Tau A, is prescribed in Decision No. 44/2011/QD – People’s Committee dated 23th August 2011 of Ba Ria – Vung Tau.

3. Duration time: Estimated 60 days starting on 9th March 2012 (24/24h day activities).


Vessels navigate with caution and proceed at slow speed when approaching the dredging area and communite with the construction company on VHF to ensure maritime safety.

Other notice

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(Vietnamese) Độ sâu vũng quay tàu và luồng tàu ra vào Cảng Tân Cảng – Cái Mép trên sông Thị Vải

(Vietnamese) Về việc tạm ngừng hoạt động đăng tiêu số “9” luồng hàng hải sông Dừa

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